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CLASSIFIEDS for May 16 issue

By Staff | May 16, 2013


(808) 280-9907. Residential/Commercial Cleaning services and property management. 20 years experience, impeccable references, licensed and insured.



Transitional Families Needed! Make a real difference in your community in 2013! Become a Transitional Family (formally Therapeutic Foster Parent) with Hawaii Behavioral Health and help youth and families in need. Generous compensation and 24/7 support provided. Free training starting soon! Call Tina or Mandy at 808-935-7955.



Alterations by Rose Fits Right! Call Rose at 669-1055



2400 SF – 2 Level WHSE Prime end unit on street $2400/mo. + CAM & GET JohnCote@Lowson.com 808-870 0503