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CLASSIFIEDS for April 22 issue

By Staff | Apr 22, 2010


•  Business Loans Available: Ask the Loan Fund Managers at MEO Business Development Corp. to see how they can help you finance the start-up or expansion of your business. MEO BDC also offers business planning classes. Call 249-2990 today!


•  658 Sqf. 2bd/1b very clean. Near Honokowai Park & Farmers Mkt. W/D, Refrig. Inc. water/trash. $795. Call Brian 665-1315 or Ed 633-1689.



•  HABITAT RESTORE Great deals! Discounted prices on fantastic reusable building materials, appliances and more! M-S 9-4, Habitat for Humanity, 986-8050.

•  HOME COMPOSTING classes sponsored by County of Maui and Sharing Aloha, taught by Wilma of Joy of Worms, held monthly. Registration required. 573-3911.  www.joyofworms.com.

•  NEW! BATTERY RECYCLING! Recycle nicad & alkaline household batteries on Maui, Molokai & Lanai at 15 locations. Call Community Work Day  877-2524, or go to www.mauicounty.gov/recycle.

•  PLASTIC CARRY OUT BAGS Will be Officially Retired@ from the County of Maui on 1/11/11 Start using reusable bags NOW! www.mauicounty.gov/recycle.

•  PROPANE TANKS 20 lb. and under can be recycled for FREE at Airgas/Gaspro in Kahului, 877-0056. Sponsored by County of Maui, SOS Metals Island Recycling & Airgas/Gaspro.

•  RECYCLE PHONE BOOKS! School phone book recycling contest from Mar 29 – April 30!  Sponsored by EZToUseIslandPages (the little blue book) Call 874-9095 for participating schools.

•  RECYCLING DONATE good, clean, reusable items through the ALOHA SHARES NETWORK to local non-profits.  Tax receipts provided by non-profits. No clothing/ shoes. A Maui Recycling Group Project 268-4380. www.alohashares.org.

•  REDUCE YOUR FOOTPRINT! Recycle Athletic Shoes at most local fitness centers (used for playground surfaces.). Sponsored by County of Maui, and participating centers. Call the Sneaker Hotline, 573-3040 for nearest location.

•  TOUR DA TRASH What happens to garbage and recyclables?  Take the Tour da Trash every 3rd Wed. through June.  Tours fill up fast, just like the landfill. Reservations required.  270-7941.